Friday, October 23, 2009

Coming In For A Landing...

Today I was thinking about one spot in the home that gets overlooked. The landing of a stairway can be a hard and tough place to put a piece of furniture, but why not make a focal point. After all the landing is a high traffic spot so placing some eye catching art or furniture is a real great idea.

One of my favorites...

A few months ago I got a chance to work with the wonderful designers at Signature Homes and any chance I get to work with my old friends it is great. This table found a perfect spot in the landing! The size is great and the color is fun.

Where might I pick up this table??? Well it can be found at one of Birmingham's newest hot spots for great furniture Nadeau located in downtown Homewood. Yes if you know me well I do work there and it is great to see all the wonderful pieces.

So take the time and see what you could do with a landing or small area in your home. I gave the same table above (painted red) to a friend for a wedding gift they found a perfect spot for it in their bath room. Another great spot to add interest. Maybe you could add a piece with character like the one above, or some really great art.

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